Aspects of Cellular Health

Our body is made of trillions of cells that are perfectly orchestrated. Therefore, the health of the body is only possible when our cells are healthy. When cellular health is attained, whole-body naturally manifestes.

There are numerous signs of cellular health that we can easily recognize in our daily life. To name a few,

  • Fitness
  • Healthy growth
  • Bright (radiant) facial tone
  • Physical activeness, balance, mobility, flexibility
  • Feeling light, energetic, fatigue-resistant
  • Good sleep at night
  • Pleasant body odor
  • Smooth and hydrated skin
  • Resilience to temperature fluctuations
  • Bright mind, happiness
  • Comfortable gut & bowel movement
  • Good quality stool
Our body is made of trillions of cells that are perfectly orchestrated.

Cellular Hydro-network

As water is the most important and predominant medium that supports all life processes, our health is absolutely dependent on it.

The water that we commonly encounter in our environments; contains disordered water molecules, whereas “biological water” or "cellular water" that composes life, such as the human body, contains highly structured, liquid-crystalline water that comprises a“hydro-network.”

The hydro-network is crucial for supporting proper structures and functioning of essential biological molecules such as DNA and proteins.

When all the cellular molecules are appropriately immersed in the hydro-network, there is proper cellular hydration.

Unlike machines, each of our bodies as we recognize it now is a very low-resolution snapshot of a special gathering of trillions of cells that are fully functional and dying and renewing all the time. Everyday, about 50 billion cells die and are born again to maintain the health of our body.

This is the way life works. While old cells are dying, new cells are being generated at the same time, thanks to adult stem cells (a.k.a, progenitor cells).

But what if the cells are not properly hydrated?

DNA and functional proteins that are needed for stem cell divisions cannot fully function, resulting in aging and degenerative outcomes.

As cellular dehydration is associated with aging and various unhealthy conditions, a common advice is to drink lots of water to ensure proper hydration.

The real measure of health, however, is not simply the amount of water we drink, but whether the cellular hydro-network is sufficiently formed in our body.

Unlike machines, each of our bodies as we recognize it now is a very low-resolution snapshot of a special gathering of trillions of cells that are fully functional and dying and renewing all the time.

Gut Hydro-network

We know we can never be happy without peace in our gut. Recently, it has been revealed that problems in the gut are closely linked to many chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, metabolic syndromes and obesity.

The outermost part of the gut barrier (more technically, intestinal barrier) is a hydro-network, which works as the first line of defense against gut microorganisms.

The most essential roles of the gut is its function as a barrier, which ensures adequate containment of undesirable contents within the intestine while preserving the ability to absorb nutrients.

Its role in protecting the mucosal tissues and the circulatory system from exposure to pro-inflammatory molecules, such as microorganisms, toxins, and antigens, is vital for the maintenance of overall health as well as that of the gut itself.

If the hydro-network is destroyed, gut microorganisms can sneak into the bloodsteam and cause all kinds of inflammatory diseases.

If the hydro-network is destroyed, gut microorganisms can sneak into the bloodsteam and cause all kinds of inflammatory diseases.

MOP and Cellular Health

Numerous scientific evidence accumulated over the years have pointed to MOP as an unprecedented, non-toxic promoter of cellular health.

As a notable example, cases of growing tall through ingestion of MOP have been constantly reported.

When the growth of stem cells residing in the upper part of the growth plate is activated by receiving growth signals such as growth hormones, the proliferation chondrocytes differentiated from the stem cells divide in the longitudinal direction, and the lower part becomes hypertrophic chondrocytes, gradually into bone tissue, growing the bone become longer and taller. However, when inflammation, oxidative stress or compromised blood flow occur around the growth plate due to various stresses, proper stem cell division is hindered, leading to insufficient longitudinal bone growth.

It is believed that the MOP's effect on promoting growth is because the super antioxidant hydro-network of MOP can effectively remove the stress factors that hinder the proper proliferation of stem cells in the growth plate.

Briefly, MOP is speculated to promote cellular health via the following three principles:

  • Catalyzing the formation of the hydro-network that protects and induces healing of cells in the face of various toxic chemicals and microorganisms.
  • Supporting gut health through MOP-incorporated multifunctional hydro-network that seals and heals the damaged gut barrier.
  • Lowering cellular stress and promoting healthy circulation through MOP's super-antioxidant properties.

MOP helps with normalization of cellular metabolism. THe results are generally seen within two of four weeks, but the specific manifestations of improved cellular health may be different for different individuals, depending on their age and pre-existing health conditions.

MOP helps with normalization of cellular metabolism.

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